"Local Government Empowerment” Report Launched in Adana

"Local Government Empowerment” Report Launched in Adana

Proposing a new development model starting from the local, “Local Dynamics in Local Governance: From Cities of Turkey to a Turkey of Cities” Report’s, prepared in cooperation with TURKONFED and IPC, Adana-Mersin results were announced during the meeting hosted by MESİAD with the support of ÇUKUROVASİFED.

During his opening speech, TURKONFED President Orhan Turan stated that they focused on the sustainability of value chain between “democracy-economy-development and local governments”. He continued: “In the first report, we introduced a new development model and the concept of “City-Region” into Turkey’s agenda. With the second report we bring a new perspective with “local development-local governments” relationship. Local governments are key actors of local development”.

10 May 2019 – Mersin / In 2017, Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TURKONFED) and Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) prepared the first report which introduced a new development model starting from the local via the concept of “City-Region”. The second report, “City-Region: Local Dynamics in Local Governance”, brings attention to the relationship between local development and local governments.

Organized with the support of Çukurova Sanayici ve İş İnsanları Federasyonu (ÇUKUROVASİFED) and hosted by Mersin Sanayicileri ve İş İnsanları Derneği (MESİAD), the opening speeches of the event were delivered by Mersin Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Vahap Seçer, TURKONFED President Orhan Turan, ÇUKUROVASİFED President Süleyman Sönmez and MESİAD President Hasan Engin. At the event, IPC Project Coordinator Ayşe Köse Badur moderated the “City-Region Concept: New Dynamics in Local Governance and Mersin Example” Panel, which was attended by IPC Istanbul Policy Center Drector Prof. Fuat Keyman and TURKONFED Economy Consultant Pelin Yenigün Dilek.

To read the report's executive summary in english, please click here.
