"Local Development Webinars" organized in cooperation with TÜRKONFED and CIPE in order to develop solution proposals and raise awareness within the scope of local development policies started with the theme of “Advocacy". In this event, where the opening speeches were made by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mansur Yavaş and President of İÇASİFED Mehmet Akyürek, the attention was drawn to the overarching collaborations for overcome the challenging processes
Overarching Collaborations are Key for The Local Development!

24 March 2021 / Istanbul - "Local Development Webinars" organized by the Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TÜRKONFED) and the US-based Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) within the scope of the "Local Development for the Business World" project, starter with an event themed "Advocacy". The Federation of Central Anatolian Industrialists and Business People Associations (İÇASİFED) hosted the first event of the webinar series, which aim to raise awareness by developing solution suggestions in line with the common needs and expectations of the public, private sector and civil society regarding local development policies. A panel titled "The Role of Business World and Organizations in Local Development" was also held in the webinar, where the opening speeches were made by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mansur Yavaş and President of İÇASİFED Mehmet Akyürek.
Webinars will continue with different topics and guests
Five online trainings in five different modules and three webinar organizations with different themes were planned in the context of “Local Development for the Business World” project. Various topics such as advocacy and lobbying activities, gender equality and private sector-public cooperation in natural disaster resilience will be discussed in the Webinars that will continue with different participants every month.