About Us

TÜRKONFED (Turkish Business Confederation) is a non-governmental and nonpartisan business organization, aiming to contribute to the development of regional, sectoral and national economic policies. TURKONFED was established in 2004 as a nation-wide confederation, representing 6 federations and 69 associations. Today, TURKONFED represents 31 federations and 373 associations with nearly 100 thousand company as members. TURKONFED is member of SMEunited, which is the association of crafts and SMEs in Europe representing over 22 million SMEs from 30 European countries. In this respect TURKONFED is a bridge between the Turkish business world and the European Union. In addition, TURKONFED has members from across the globe that gather under the platform TURKONFED International

TURKONFED has three main functions: Policy design/advocacy, capacity development, and business development. The working areas and activities of these three functions are determined through TURKONFED Commissions: Economic Development & Sustainability Commission, Commission on Women in Business World , Regional Development Commission, Sectoral Development Commission, Youth, Education & Entrepreneurship Commission, Digital Transformation Commission, Green Transition Commission and finally, Access to Finance Commission.