Born in Manisa in 1973, Güliz Arıkoğlu first graduated from Konya Maarif College and then the Department of Business Administration of Selçuk University’s Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. She started her career in the finance department in the private sector in 1995 as a manager. She is a founding board member of Arkoç Vana A.Ş., which is one of the leading companies in the valve industry in Turkey and exports its products to many countries. Her family's company is also actively involved in the energy industry with valve, water meter and viola production. She obtained her Financial Advisor license in 2000 and Independent Auditor license in 2013. She is still actively working as a Financial Advisor and Independent Auditor, and is a member of the board of directors and executive board in her family's companies. She has been working for non-governmental organizations, social responsibility projects, sports clubs and professional associations, and has been a Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman since 1992. She is the president of the Konya Business Women's Association and the Mevlana Industry and Business Federation (MEVLANASIFED).
İclal Güliz Arıkoğlu