Mehmet Selahattin Balkan, was born in Sirnak in 1966 as the third child of a tradesman father and he is the founder and chairman of Balpet Petrol Ürünleri Sanayi and Ticaret Anonim Şirketi founded in Mersin in 2003 as a leading fuel distribution company with 100 percent domestic and national capital in Turkey.On the one hand, he continued his education, and on the other hand, he was thrown into trade at an early age, struggling with the harsh conditions that life brings. Balkan group companies started its business life in the retail sector and later maintained in the fuel oil, LPG autogas distribution, warehousing activities, retail fuel oil, lube oil, the sale of construction, mining, logistics, import and export by the leadership of a holding company that operates in such a large area. Mr. Balkan; currently as chairman of the board of Directors of Balkan Holding and Bpet A.Ş he is active in various positions in non-governmental organizations such as TURKONFED, TISIAD, ÇUGİDER, ADER , CUKUROVA SIFED , TOBB (Energy Commissioner). Considering raising good children as his philosophy of life, Balkan is married and has 10 children. Mr. Balkan, whose biggest dream is to own a family company that has its own oil well, extracts, refines, processes and markets oil, continues to work in line with this goal.
Selahattin BALKAN
Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi